GDG DevFest Hong Kong 2016
October 19, 2016
Google Developer Day China 2016
December 7, 2016Hi all! It’s been just two weeks from our DevFest this year and we’re now having another event!
It’s been our honour to have Wolff Dobson of the Google Developer Relations team to come in town and give a workshop on TensorFlow!
Event details as follow:
Date: 10th December, 2016 (Saturday)
Time: 9:30AM – 12:00PM (Registration starts at 9:20am)
Venue: City University of Hong Kong (Exact location will be make available later to successful applicants)
Capacity: 40
Again, registration will be done via Eventbrite
This will be an interactive workshop with Wolff doing some coding, presenting some slides and hanging around to see the progress of individuals.
You’re highly recommended (we try to avoid the word “required”) to bring yourself a laptop so that you can follow better by doing some hands-on exercises. To make the whole event more efficient, we encourage you to follow the instructions as at: https://github.com/random-forests/tensorflow-workshop so you do not need to download it at the venue.