GDG Hong Kong Organizer

June 25, 2018

Insider Tips to Kick Off Your Tech Career

軟件開發行業的職位廣告的要求經常寫了多種技術名稱,是否需要懂得全部才有機會得到interview?又是否必需IT相關學位? 太多技術又應該如何開始學起? Women Techmakers HK今次邀請到兩位軟件開發行業的資深行內人士來分享加入此行業的”Must Have” & “Good to Have”的技術/技能要求,及分享選用人才心得。 今次活動除了有talk sharing,還著重跟嘉賓及在場行內行外人的交流分享! 嘉賓簡介: Ben Cheng,Co-Founder of Oursky Oursky是一間Web / Mobile產品開發工作室,在香港及台灣都有開發團隊。他們活躍於大大小小的科技會議,更發佈自己的open-source library。他們的office有豐富娛樂設施,還有幾位貓主子長駐office。可能係香港最吸引的工作環境之一! Ray Hui,Manager, Organisation & Talent […]
June 6, 2018

I/O Extended Hong Kong – Part 2

*** The event sessions will be conducted in CANTONESE or in ENGLISH by different speakers *** 我們幾位親身參加Google I/O的香港人會在這次活動分享I/O之旅的所見所聞及發佈會懶人包。 也有從韓國來的Googler給我們分享。 到時見。 We will share our I/O journey […]
April 25, 2018

Google I/O Extended 2018

Register: Google I/O Live Stream viewing party. Come to join us with other developers to share our journey and the latest Google technologies including: Google’s technologies […]
April 1, 2018

Google Cloud Study Jams

Want to get started on the Google Cloud, but don’t know where to begin? Join us for our Cloud Study Jam!(Please Register on Eventbrite Together we’ll […]
March 1, 2018

Women Techmakers International Women’s Day ’18 Meet-up

**Must Register by this google form: **Register Now before 19 March 2018 23:59. Successful applicant will be notify by email soon after registration closed. We are […]
January 24, 2018

TGIF Happy Hour

Casual Meetup. Food, Drinks, Sharing and Lucky Draw Chromecast!! Free Ticket: Thanks for the American Pool, Darts, Board games, Video Game facilities and Venue sponsor from […]
July 12, 2017

Google Cloud OnBoard – After Event聚會

Google首個香港區Google Cloud培訓活動Google Cloud OnBoard將於下周四於九展舉行。 不論你有否參加Cloud OnBoard, 我們都歡迎你來After Event,與參加者及對GCP有興趣的開發者互相交流。 我們將於Cloud OnBoard活動完結後, 到附近餐廳(地點待定)交流及用膳(自費)。 日期: 13-July-2017 時間: 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM 歡迎各位於Telegram群組@GDGHongKong提供意見. 到時見! 請在Meetup中登記及報名