I/O Extended 2017 Hong Kong
April 8, 2017Google Cloud OnBoard – After Event聚會
July 12, 2017Did you attended #io17 or #io17extended ? Some of us attended on site and it is time for us to share what we have seen. #Firebase, #GoogleAssistant , #GoogleHome , #Daydream , #AMP , #AndroidThing, #PWA, #AndroidO , #TensorFlow , and more Feel free, come and join us.
Date: 5 June 2017 (Monday)
Time: 19:30-21:00 (Registration starts at 19:15)
Location: Google Hong Kong, **21/F**, Tower 2, Times Square, Causeway Bay
Our guest: Kazunori Sato, Staff Developer Advocate from Google, will be joining us.
- #io17 Trip Sharing by I/O participants
- Product Update on Android, Android Pay, Firebase, and PWA by I/O participants
- Machine Learning and Tensor Flow – by Kaz Sato
Note: Session will be conducted by either Cantonese or English at speakers’ preference.
Please kindly register to attend at the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/google-io-2017-redux-tickets-34874723236