January 30, 2020
Women Techmakers IWD ’20 Meet-up @ Google Hangout
April 30, 2020Hi!雖然因為 #武漢肺炎 關係,我地近來取消咗好多meetups,但我地一路以來仍然好希望用唔同嘅方法,運用我地嘅專長同技術,推廣 #技術普及 ,引導更多嘅IT人才去實現夢想、承擔社會責任。
用科技影響社會,呢個係 #GDG 一直以來嘅目標之一。
我地嘅Co-organizer Orix Au Yeung 今日就用咗#GoogleMapsPlatform 嘅 #GeocodingAPI 同 #GoogleSheets 嚟將大家近來都好關注嘅被強制檢疫人士嘅清單可視化,有幸得到近二千share!
Hello there! Despite recently we cancelled many meetups due to the outbreak of #coronavirus, we have been busy in trying to use our expertise and skills in a lot of ways promoting #TechnicalLiteracy and in turn encouraging more IT professionals to achieve their goals & take up more social responsibilities.
It has been always one of our goals of #GDG to change the society we are living in through technology.
Today, our co-organizer, Orix Au Yeung, used the #GeocodingAPI in #GoogleMapsPlatform & #GoogleSheets to visualize something the public has been concerned a lot: The list of Compulsory Quarantine of persons due to the virus! It is our pleasure to announce that currently his post has reached nearly 2,000 shares on Facebook.
#GoogleDevelopers #GDG #GDGHK #GDGTWHK