《城市創科大挑戰》City I&T Grand Challenge – Calling for Applications
May 4, 2021DevFest’21 GDG Hong Kong
November 16, 2021GDG DevFest starts – 2-day Online DevFest!
Most biggest Google relative technological, community, and developer event in Hong Kong on 20,27-Nov-2021.
Due to concerns around the coronavirus (COVID-19), our DevFest will become online.
Now we are calling for speakers [Closed]
We welcome speakers of all experience levels, including those who have never presented before at a conference.
[UPDATED] Call for Speakers Application has been closed! This year’s response for our Call for Speakers from the dev community has been overwhelming – much to our surprise! Thank You for supporting GDG HK!
Not yet prepare the topic ready for speaking
We offer you some ideas. The following are some of the ideas we provide but are not limited to these. Also not limited to Google technologies, as long as you have any interesting thing about development want to share, please don’t hesitate to be our GDG DevFest speaker.
Mobile & Web
- Kotlin
- Flutter / Dart
- Material Design
- Maps
- Android
- Google Play
- Google Assistant (AoG)
- Angular
- Polymer
- WebXR, AR & VR
- Others
- ML Kit
- Firebase
- Containers & Kubernetes
- Big Data
- Serverless / Cloud Function
- Others
Machine Learning
- TensorFlow / Lite
- Natural Language Processing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Others
Women Techmakers
- Gender diversity in technology
- Experience of achieving your own/your team’s tech women career
- Others
Recruitment talks and Talks whose focus is pitching a company or project are not the preferences of our DevFest. It’s cool that you mention your company during the presentation, but it shouldn’t be the focus of the talk.
Sign up right now!
If you are interested in giving Talk/Codelab/Workshop session, please send us the following information.
- Session title (can submit a rough title and confirm it with us later)
- Outline in session description (can submit a brief description first and confirm it with us later)
- Session Type & Duration
- Regular session (20/40 minutes)
- Codelab/Workshop (20/40/60 minutes)
- Level of expertise (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced)
- Language
- Online Event Format (Real-time / Provide video / …)
If you are interested in being the panelist in our Panel Discussion (~20 minutes), please send us the following information.
- Topic Interest(s)
- Machine Learning
- Gender diversity
- Mobile & Web
- Cloud
- Language
You can submit for both talk session and panel discussion session if you want.
Please send the information to [email protected]
Co-hosts 聯合主辦
GDG Hong Kong
Women Techmakers Hong Kong
TensorFlow Hong Kong
Hong Kong Kotlin User Group